What dod you get when your profession limps along for so many years, almost 25 years later?
- fewer jobs
- fewer academic departments
- less autonomy as a profession
- lower paying jobs
- no national grants for graduate level training (nurses get them all the time)
- diffusion of roles among other ill-prepared health "professional."
What are YOU going to do about it?
- Go to http://healthbehavior.com Join AHEA
- Yell and raise hell with SOPHE and AAHE to walk the walk!
- Get out of Health Education and become a nurse!
I posted the following comment earlier:
Thanks for doing this. Hope you spark some interest at this time.
Steve Dorman circulated the survey for AAHE about whether AAHE should separate from AAHPERD and affiliate with SOPHE and/or other health education organizations. maybe the answer is to form an alliance of health education organizations. Maybe the Coalition of national Health Education Organizations could morph into the Alliance of National Health Education Organizations.
When I returned to the Blogger page, I did not find my previous comment. This may account for the low volume of comments.
Bill Cissell
Bill Cissell
I obtained your link to this blog through your message to HEDIR. I'm looking forward to seeing what you post here! I was also surprised to see my college advisor had posted a comment here back in 2005. Because it was instilled in me during my undergrad years, I'm a firm believer that people within our profession need to advocate for it! I restarted my own blog (bartlettj.blogspot.com) on my experiences with middle school health education this month. Here's hoping we both keep up with it!
Jeff B.
Your idea that we need to form some sort of alliance is important. Health Educators are usually "the only one" at their organization. We need a forum and support for what we do. I've never heard of AAHE, only AAHERD and SOPHE. I have never found anything helpful at AAHERD. I use the American College Health Association to find information about my topics and strategies specific to my population. I'm also a CHES. Thank you for your passion and work on this issue.
Pam S
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